5S campaign - EcobaENT office

5S campaign - EcobaENT office

23/03/2019 12:22


5S is a method of managing and arranging workplaces originating in Japan.

Sort: Seiri or Screening means sorting, organizing items in order. This is the first step which the enterprise needs to do in 5S practice. The main content of S1 is to sort and remove the unnecessary things that can be sold or reused.

Set in order: After removing the unnecessary items, the next task is to organize the remaining items effectively according to easy-to-find, easy to see, easy to retrieve and return criteria.

Shine: Regularly clean, keep the workplace clean through overall sanitation and organize daily cleaning of equipment and work areas. S3 aims to improve the working environment, reduce the risks and accidents while improving the accuracy of machinery (due to dirt).

Standardize: Always check and maintain 3S as mentioned above. By developing S4, 3S activities will be improved gradually based on the standards set up and proceeding to perfect 5S in the enterprise.

Sustain: Means to train, create a habit, order and style for everyone in implementing 5S.

EcobaENT office after the 5S movement at the office block





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